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About Us - ImFiTIndia Journey

We are seven years old E-Commerce company with a focus on sports and fitness since 2013. We already have our website, and also have our E-Commerce Store on Amazon, Flipkart and Snapdeal. Our motto is “We deliver Fitness Equipment anywhere in India (#FitnessForAll).”

In our 7 years of experience in selling fitness equipment online, we have successfully delivered to customers from states like Mizoram, Jammu, Kashmir, Maharashtra, Puducherry, Lakshadweep and many more. More than 20000+ happy customers!

Although people are becoming health conscious because of modern lifestyle diseases we have realized that people are still unaware of how to buy fitness equipment online.

As a result of which people end up buying that equipment which does not meet their and their family’s requirement. Or by purchasing costly products from local shops or do away with the idea of buying fitness equipment online.

Our mission is to provide true buying experience to you as you plan your journey for achieving your fitness goals! To accomplish this, we have come with a one-stop fitness equipment shop IMFIT which is solely dedicated to fitness lovers.

At IMFIT, our unique selling proposition is –

Door to Door Delivery – Be it a high-rise building, remote location or a major hub, we deliver heavy & bulky fitness equipment ranging from 20 kgs to 500 kgs across India that are packed in wooden crates from well know courier services like FedEx, Gati, Bluedart, DTDC and more that are easily trackable on our website anytime. In the last six years, we have not only delivered & installed this fitness equipment at our customers' addresses but also provided customer support by being easily accessible. We do not hide behind customer support numbers or email ids as we are proud of our self and on our professionalism towards our role of promoting fitness in Indian households.

Installation – In a few limited cities, we provide installation via third-party service, youtube videos that you can follow to easily install that new treadmill along with WhatsApp video support from our ever-helpful Fitness experts.

Future Support – So what happens once you buy the fitness equipment and its delivered to you? We provide a manufacturer warranty on all the parts of the material, also if any parts are damaged in transit, if a few pieces are missing, do not worry, we provide all the support you need to manage and maintain your fitness equipment. Not only this, if you need to buy a second machine or warranty has expired, we are just a phone call away.

Confused about your fitness machine – Our Fitness Experts will help you with all your product related queries to help you make an informed decision in buying that dream machine to achieve your fitness goals! Our WhatsApp number is displayed on our website, and we are available 24/7 to attend to your problems/queries.

We hope to be your partner as you move towards your fitness goals and make Indians healthier!

Don't Take Our Word For it! Here's What Our Customers Think:

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