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Hammer Curl is a bodyweight exercise that focuses on the biceps and forearms. It can be done with or without equipment, so it's perfect for people who are traveling and want to get in a quick workout.

Hammer Curls work best when performed with dumbbells because hammer curls strengthen the muscles of your arms in a way that barbell curls don't.

If you're looking for an effective arm toning exercise, hammer curl is the answer! Read this blog to find out more about how to do a hammer curl, its many variations, benefits, and more!

##How to do a Bammer Curl?

Here's how to do a hammer curl simply follow these steps -

Step 1 -  Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and the hammer curl weights in each hand.

Step 2 - Keep your arms close to your body while you raise the dumbbells upwards towards chest level. Hold for a second at this position, squeezing both biceps together before lowering it back down again. Repeat steps throughout the exercise routine until fatigued.

Step 3  -  At the very top of the hammer curl, your forearms should be completely perpendicular to your biceps and form a perfect 90-degree angle.

Step 4 - Don't swing or use momentum during hammer curls - lifting slowly will work those muscles more effectively!

Note: Keep the hammer weights close to your body at all times. How many reps should be done? You need to do at least 12 reps per set.

##Hammer Curl Variations

You may make this exercise more appropriate to your fitness level and objectives by changing it. Here are a few variations you can try -

Bent Hammer Curl

This hammer variation works your forearms more than standard hammer curls.  The bent hammer curl is similar to the regular hammer, but you lean forward while doing it, which drops your hands lower so that they are closer to your feet. Your wrists should be slightly bent throughout the entire movement in order to target different muscles.

The bent hammer curl is also called a reverse hammer curl.  This hammer variation works your forearms more than standard hammer curls. When doing this movement, you lean forward while keeping the weights close to your body and let them hang from bent knees with palms facing each other at all times during exercise execution. You should always keep your wrist slightly bent throughout the entire hammer curl movement in order to target your forearms.

Incline Hammer Curl

This hammer variation works your forearm muscles more than standard hammer curls because you raise them at an angle instead of completely vertically as is done during a regular hammer curl exercise. Inclining the hand changes which part of your biceps is used. Therefore, hammer curls should be done with both incline and decline hands to target all parts of the biceps muscle.

Inclining your hand's changes which part of your biceps are used during hammer curl exercise; therefore hammer curls should be performed with both incline and decline hands in order to work on different aspects of your upper arm muscles.

Concentrate Hammer Curl

This hammer variation is done with the hands rotated so that your palms face up throughout all parts of the movement. The concentration hammer works on different muscles than standard hammer curls do, and it's a great way to add variety to your workout routine. Concentration hammer curls should be performed slowly in order to recruit more muscle fibers.

In hammer curl exercise, your palms face up throughout the entire movement in order to target different muscles than a regular hammer curl does. Concentration hammer curls should be done slowly so that more muscle fibers can be recruited and worked on effectively.

Alternating Hammer Curl

This hammer variation is similar to a concentration curl, but instead of having your palms facing down like in the regular hammer curl exercise, you turn your hands so that your palms face each other. Start with one hand turned up and one turned down to work on different parts of biceps muscles or alternate between both arms for an even workout.

Preacher Hammer Curl

This hammer variation is done with the elbow resting on a preacher bench or another object that forces your hands to face each other throughout all parts of the hammer curl exercise. The key thing to remember when doing hammer curls with the preacher bench is not to rest your elbows on it, but rather let them hang off so that you work both forearms and biceps muscles effectively.

You can either choose to use an EZ Curl bar or a normal straight bar for hammer curls. Make sure that your grip is just slightly wider than shoulder-width apart and sit on the bench with feet flat on the ground to start the hammer curl exercise.

There are three parts of your arm that hammer curls work effectively: forearms muscles, biceps muscle in upper arms, and finally triceps which is located behind the elbow joint.

Hammer Curl Power Squat

Another variation you can try is a combination of hammer curl and squat exercises. You can either do this movement with dumbbells or a barbell, depending on what you find most comfortable.

You start the exercise by holding weights in both hands at your sides while standing straight up and having legs shoulder-width apart. Start lowering yourself into the squat position, but stop before the hips are parallel to the floor. At this point, you should already feel hammer curl exercise working on your forearms, biceps, and triceps muscles.

##Common Mistakes When Doing Hammer Curls

Here are things you should avoid to keep the hammer curl safe and gain the benefits of the exercise -

  • No gripping too tight, hammer curl is a demanding exercise and you do not want to end up straining your forearms. Hold the grip as loose as possible without dropping the weight or losing control of it. You can use wrist wraps if needed but avoid using them excessively - otherwise, they will become a crutch instead of an aid.
  • Choose a weight that allows you to keep proper form throughout all of the sets and repetitions.
  • Avoid holding the hammer curl in front of your body during mid-movement - it will throw off balance and strain one side.  People often do hammer curls in order to target their biceps but neglect working out forearms, doing hammer curls works both muscles at once. If you want to be effective when performing this exercise - try to do hammer curls in front of your body, not to the side. It will help you get more out of this exercise and avoid straining one arm due to unbalanced weight distribution between both sides.
  • Avoid dropping hammer curl at the top - after finishing hammer curl slowly lower it down until forearms are almost parallel with the floor without any sudden jerks. Dropping hammer curl at the top can put a great deal of stress on the elbow and muscles, you do not want to injure yourself during these movements. To avoid injury when performing hammer curls - try dropping it down slowly after finishing hammer curl movement, this allows you to keep your elbows safe from injuries caused by sudden jerks in the upper arm which can happen if you drop hammer curls at the top.
  • Avoid moving upper arms during hammer curl - avoid any jerking movements, they are not only inefficient but can lead to injury as well. A good way of performing hammer curl is staying motionless with the whole body and focusing on forearms throughout movement until it finishes. Do not move your elbows and upper arms, only your forearms should move. When you want to make hammer curl effective and prevent it from causing any injuries due to lack of proper form - try moving the forearm instead of the upper arm during hammer curl movement.
  • A good way of performing hammer curls is by staying motionless with the whole body and focusing on forearms throughout hammer curl movement until it finishes, do not move your elbow and upper arm but only the forearm.
  • Avoid hammer curls done on decline bench - hammer curls are for strengthening biceps muscles but doing them on decline bench will inevitably target other muscle groups like triceps instead of forearms. Hammer curls should be performed in an upright position with wrists straight.
  • Hammer curls should be performed in an upright position with wrists straight. Also, avoid doing hammer curl with a narrow grip which will inevitably target other muscle groups like triceps instead of forearms.

##Benefits of Hammer Curls

If you want a strong grip and toned arms, hammer curls are for you because they target these muscles specifically.

Furthermore, hammer curls have been shown to improve coordination as well as increase strength.

This exercise is also great for people who are new to working out because hammer curl is easy and effective.

However, if you're planning on doing hammer curls frequently, make sure to use proper form so that you don't risk injuring yourself.

To avoid injury while performing hammer curls, it's important to maintain good posture throughout the exercise routine; keep your back flat, your neck straight, and don't shrug or lean back once hammer curl weights are raised.

It's a wonderful tool for strength training. It can be used with different equipment to increase wrist stability and grip strength.

Jump Rope Benefits

## Now it's Your Time to Try it Out

Hammer curls are the perfect workout to tone muscles of arms - biceps, forearms, shoulders!  It works the brachialis, which is a muscle located between the biceps and triceps.

A good form of hammer curl involves bending your elbows only a little bit - you should feel tension on muscles! This workout makes it easier to pull the bar up from the floor if done the right way.

Benefits of this exercise include tightening of muscles in your arms and shoulders, making them look firm and fit; helps develop forearm strength along with a great grip.

Now it's Your Time to Try hammer curls! You can now find the barbell at any gym or do this workout from home - all you need is a little space!

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