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Manual vs. Motorized Treadmill: Which is Better?

By Surabhi Agrawal October 19, 2021

Difference Between Motorized and Manual Treadmills

Manual treadmills are great for those who want to work out at home and don't have the space or budget for a motorized treadmill.

Manual treadmills allow you to work out with your own power, which can be really motivating!

However, manual treadmills may not be as durable as motorized ones and they're more difficult to move around because of their weight.

On the other hand, most people find that motorized treadmills are easier on knees and joints than manual ones since they offer up some cushioning during workouts.

The curved-belt manual treadmill is a more recent variant of the category. It has the same concept as an elliptical machine. The belt is not flat but curved to create a more natural running motion for your feet.

They've become a popular choice among athletic trainers, and you may find them at your local gym.

In this blog post, we'll explore both types of treadmills in detail so you can make an informed decision about which one is right for you.

## What is a Manual Treadmill?

Manual treadmills are great if you're on a budget and don't mind spending some time keeping your treadmill in working order.

A Manual treadmill can be cheaper than a motorized one as it uses your body momentum to start (which means more hard work).

Manual treadmills require some assembly and may need to be replaced over time.

Manual treadmills don't offer as much cushioning during workouts, which can affect your joints and knees since they aren't being supported by a motorized mechanism that's meant for this purpose.

Manual treadmills are usually heavier than motorized ones because of the added weight of the motor.

Difference Between Motorized and Manual Treadmills

## What is a Motorized Treadmill?

Motorized treadmills can cost a pretty penny, but they're also worth it.

They have more cushioning than manual treadmills so you don't have to worry as much about your joints and knees during workout sessions.

In addition, most motorized models fold up for storage which is great if you live in an apartment or have limited space.

Most motorized treadmills are easy to assemble, but you should always follow the instructions that come with your treadmill of choice since some models may require more work than others.

Many brands also offer installation services, so do choose based on this factor as.

When it comes down to it, manual vs. motorized treadmills can be boiled down into one question: will you be moving your treadmill often?

If you plan on keeping it in one spot and won't be transporting it from room to room, a manual model may work for you.

On the other hand, if you need more cushioning during workouts or want a smoother workout experience overall, a motorized treadmill is probably best since they have more moving parts that can break down over time.

Difference Between Motorized and Manual Treadmills

## Advantages & Disadvantages of Each Option

Manual Treadmill Advantages

  • Manual treadmills are less expensive than motorized ones. Manual treadmill users can choose the pace and speed of their workout, whereas this is limited with a motor-powered treadmill (unless you use an incline).
  • Manual models usually provide better support for larger people since they don't require as much power to move compared to electric models.
  • Manual treadmills provide more stability than motorized models, which can be an advantage for people who are new to running.

Test your Manual Treadmill -

  • If you have a manual treadmill, check the belt before using it to make sure that it is moving back and forth freely.
  • You can do this by placing your hand under each side of the belt while the machine has been plugged in but not activated.
  • After this quick test, turn off your treadmill and unplug it.

Manual Treadmill Disadvantages

  • Manual treadmill users must make sure they maintain the machine properly by keeping it clean and lubricated (oil is usually included with purchase).
  • If you don't oil your manual treadmill, you risk damaging the belt, which may lead to slipping.
  • Manual treadmills are typically smaller than motorized ones.
  • If you don't regularly maintain your manual treadmill, there is a chance that its components may wear out quicker or become damaged if they're not properly maintained.

Motorized Treadmill Advantages & Disadvantages

  • If you don't regularly maintain your manual treadmill, there is a chance that its components may wear out quicker or become damaged if they're not properly maintained.
  • Motor-powered models can adjust in speed depending on your workout routine and incline levels.
  • Manual treadmill users must adjust the belt to their desired speed and level of resistance, whereas motorized models do this automatically.
  • Motor-powered treadmills provide more stability than manual ones because they're less likely to slip and require you to use them at a slower pace if your floor is slippery.
  • Warning: Even though some people use motorized treadmills on a daily basis without any issues, it is recommended that you test your treadmill before using it extensively.
  • You can do this by running or walking for ten to 20 minutes while the machine has been plugged in and turned on but not activated. If everything works fine during these initial tests, you shouldn't have any problems while exercising.
Difference Between Motorized and Manual Treadmills

## Which is Better for You, Your Home, and Your Budget?

Manual Treadmills -

Manual treadmills come in different types and styles.

Manual treadmill runners can choose between a folding or non-folding running machine, with some brands allowing you to fold the deck of the unit while others make it stationary.

Manual treadmills also range in speeds from one mile per hour (mph) all the way up to 12mph.

Manual treadmills are typically less expensive than motorized models, but you do sacrifice features and quality in order to get the lower price point.

Motorized Treadmills -

Motorized treadmill runners can choose between the size of their running surface or deck as well as a folding or stationary model.

Some brands offer 20 different mph settings while others offer 22!

Most motorized treadmill runners choose to run at a pace of between three and six miles per hour (mph) making it easier on the joints.

Motorized treadmills are more expensive than manual models but offer a lot of features for this price point.

They usually have larger and more comfortable running decks, some even include a fan to keep you cool while working out!

Some motorized models offer pre-programmed workouts so the user doesn't need to worry about what speed or incline they should choose.

Remember, the type of treadmill you choose depends on your budget and what you want to get out of the machine.

It's important that whatever type of treadmill you purchase is comfortable for long periods of time.

Once you have decided on the type of treadmill you want to buy, you can narrow down the options based on price, size, and features.

Check our 25 questions to ask before buying a treadmill guide to help you make a smart choice.

Difference Between Motorized and Manual Treadmills

## Conclusion

Although a treadmill may provide an excellent cardio exercise, you must select the proper one for your requirements. Overall, both types of treadmills have their pros and cons.

Motorized treadmills are a great option for those who need to save space or want an easier workout.

Manual treadmills may be the best choice for people on a budget, but they can take up more room and require more effort.

If you're not sure which type of treadmill is right for you, contact our team today!

We'll help you find the perfect one at an affordable price that suits your needs.

Which kind of treadmill do you prefer?

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